You Can Make a

About Us

Solution for Sustainability

The world is facing a planet-sized carbon problem. But while reducing our carbon footprint is the need of the hour, we understand that immediate reduction in emissions isn’t always feasible.

Building carbon efficiency is a complex, time-consuming process. CleanHedge aims to provide practical solutions for the transition.

We develop and implement renewable energy projects that reduce, remove or avoid carbon dioxide emissions and have a measurable impact on the environment.

Open Access Solar Energy

CleanHedge offers a simple and effective solution to reduce your energy expenses and lower your scope 2 emissions. We achieve this by providing cheaper and cleaner electricity through open-access projects. The power we produce at our solar parks is transferred directly to your facility through the grid. You buy this energy at a lower tariff than the standard grid tariff, thereby lowering your costs in a competitive market while transitioning to a Net Zero complain

High Electricity Savings

Reduced Carbon Footprint

Improved ESG Rating

Low Risk

No O&M Responsibility

What is Open Access

Open Access empowers commercial and industrial consumers like you, to reduce your dependency on the local DISCOM and buy electricity directly from producers in the open market.

By entering into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with us for a specified duration, you can rely on our expertise to handle renewable energy farms and power your business with sustainable energy.

In India, consumers with a sanctioned load of min.1 MW can buy power through open access. However, Green Energy Policy discussions indicate off-takers with a minimum load of 100 kW will be able to utilize the open access mechanism.

Carbon Credit Services

· Decarbonisation Projects:

Using our expertise in solar energy and lithium batteries,
CleanHedge develops carbon-efficient projects for rural areas
and the agricultural sector to reduce or cut fossil-fuel consumption.

· Carbon Offsets:

In line with international policies, we generate and provide
carbon offsets or RECs through our projects and partners.

What do We Offer?

Rooftop Solar Installations
Open Access Solar Projects
Carbon Capture Project Development
Net Zero Policy Implementation
Sustainability Certification Advisory

Why Choose CleanHedge?


We can implement a diverse portfolio of nature and community-based projects across multiple sectors to widen your impact.


We make sure everything we do is open, guide you through each step, and provide regular updates and reports so you always know how your money is making a difference.


With more than ten years of experience in the clean tech industry, we ensure that the highest quality standards are maintained for each project.

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New Delhi: A-87, Okhla Phase – II
Mumbai: 88/B, Nariman Bhavan, Nariman Point

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